Symposium 2018: Health Technology Innovations for Global Impact


Symposium 2018: Health Technology Innovations for Global Impact

BIGHEART Symposium 2018 will be held at Clinical Research Centre, MD11 auditorium (10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597) National University of Singapore from 23 – 24 July. The symposium will comprise presentations and panel discussions exploring health technology solutions for global impact.

Event Sponsor:

Organising Committee:

Prof. Luke P. LEE (Chair)
Prof. Chwee Teck LIM
Asst Prof. Chia-Hung CHEN
Dr Tze Ping LOH
Asst Prof. Huilin SHAO
Asst Prof. John HO

For enquiries, please contact


Symposium Programme

Monday, 23 July 2018
Time Programme
Session 1: Opening Session
Chair: Professor Luke P. Lee
8:15am – 9:00am Registration
9:00am – 9:10am Opening Address
Professor Chwee Teck Lim, National University of Singapore
Professor Luke P. Lee, National University of Singapore
9:10am – 9:40am To See the World’s Health in a Grain of SANDs*
Professor Luke P. Lee, National University of Singapore
9:40am – 10:25am Plenary Talk
Convergence: How Unexpected Partnerships in Engineering and Medicine Have Enabled the Artificial Pancreas
Professor Francis J. Doyle III, Harvard University
10:25am – 10:45am Refreshment
Session 2: Single Cell Analysis & Molecular Diagnostics
Chair: Dr Yi-Chin Toh
10:45am – 11:15am A Microfluidic Platform for Single-cell Wound Repair Studies
Dr Sindy Tang, Stanford University
11:15am – 11:35am Title to be announced
Dr Huilin Shao, National University of Singapore
11:35am – 11:55am Ultrafast Single-Cell Level Enzymatic Tumour Profiling
Dr Chia-Hung Chen, National University of Singapore
11:55am – 12:15pm Phenotype-Driven Precision Oncology (PDPO) – Guiding Clinical Decisions One Patient at a Time
Dr Ramanuj DasGupta, Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), A*STAR
12:15pm – 12:35pm Deciphering Cellular Heterogeneity with Single Cell Assays for Precision Medicine
Dr Lih Feng Cheow, National University of Singapore
12:35pm – 2:30pm Poster Session & Lunch Break
Session 3: Microfluidics and Materials Chemistry for Medical Applications
Chair: Dr Chia-Hung Chen
2:30pm – 3:00pm Profiling Cellular-to-Molecular Diversity Using Electrophoretic Cytometry
Professor Amy E. Herr, University of California, Berkeley and Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
3:00pm – 3:20pm Aggregation-Induced Emission: Materials and Biomedical Applications
Professor Bin Liu, National University of Singapore
3:20pm – 3:40pm Rapid Pathogen Detection – Fantasy or Reality?
Dr Catherine Ong, National University Hospital
3:40pm – 4:00pm How Good Must a Clinical Test Be: A Perspective of Biological Variation
Dr Tze Ping Loh, National University Hospital
4:00pm – 4:30pm Refreshment
Session 4: Wearables and Wireless Devices for Translational Medicine
Chair: Dr Lih Feng Cheow
4:30pm – 4:50pm From Next-Generation Phones to Wearables
Professor Li Shiuan Peh, National University of Singapore
4:50pm – 5:10pm Wideband Wireless Power Transfer for Human-Involved Environment
Dr Shaoying Huang, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
5:10pm – 5:30pm Human-Inspired Sensory Systems
Dr Benjamin Tee, National University of Singapore
5:30pm – 5:50pm Wireless Technologies for Bioelectronic Therapies
Dr John Ho, National University of Singapore
5:50pm – 6:00pm Group Photo Taking
End of Day 1
7:00pm – 9:00pm Appreciation Dinner (by invitation only)
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Time Programme
Session 1: Biophotonics, Genomics, Technology for Cancer
Chair: Dr Benjamin Tee
8:55am – 9:00am Opening
9:00am – 9:40am Better Pathology Through Computational Microscopy
Professor Chang Huei Yang, California Institute of Technology
9:40am – 10:00am Technologies That Can Help the Medical Oncologists
Dr Boon Cher Goh, National University Health System (NUHS)
10:00am – 10:20am Systems Biology of Stem Cells
Professor Huck Hui Ng, Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), A*STAR
10:20am – 10:40am Refreshment
Session 2: Translational Engineering and Medicine
Chair: Dr Huilin Shao
10:40am – 11:20am Title to be announced
Professor David Weitz, Harvard University
11:20am – 11:40am Overcoming the Valley of Death
Professor Khee Chee Soo, National Cancer Centre Singapore
11:40am – 12:00pm The Future of Diagnostics and Surveillance
Dr Rosemary Tan, Veredus Laboratories
12:00pm – 12:20pm Research Translation: A Personal Journey and Some Perspectives on Improving Research Translation in NUS
Professor Freddy Boey, National University of Singapore
12:20pm – 12:40pm CURATE.AI: Optimising Clinical Combination Therapy with Artificial Intelligence and Digital Medicine
Professor Dean Ho, National University of Singapore
Panel Discussion Session: Clinical Applications for Global Impact
Chair: Professor Luke P. Lee
12:40pm – 1:40pm Panel Discussion
1. Professor Luke P. Lee (Chair), BIGHEART, National University of Singapore
2. Professor David Weitz, Harvard University
3. Professor Freddy Boey, National University of Singapore
4. Professor Dean Ho, National University of Singapore
5. Professor Boon Cher Goh, National University Health System
6. Professor Khee Chee Soo, National Cancer Centre Singapore
7. Dr David Sun, Intelligent Sensor Research Institute
8. Dr Rosemary Tan, Veredus Laboratories
1:40pm – 3:00pm Poster Session & Lunch Break
Session 3: Organ-On-Chip for Precision Medicine
Chair: Dr John Ho
3:00pm – 3:20pm Data Analytics in Biomedical Applications
Professor Hanry Yu, National University of Singapore
3:20pm – 3:40pm Engineering Heterotypic Cellular Interactions for Disease Modeling and Drug Testing
Dr Yi-Chin Toh, National University of Singapore
3:40pm – 4:00pm Understanding Genetic Susceptibility Using Personalised Vascular Models
Dr Christine Cheung, Nanyang Technological University
4:00pm – 4:20pm Future of Transfusion Medicine – Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived Blood?
Dr Jaichandran Sivalingam, Bioprocessing Technology Institute (BTI), A*STAR
4:20pm – 4:25pm Poster Award
4:25pm – 4:40pm Closing Remarks
End of Symposium
4:40pm – 5:40pm Tour and reception at BIGHEART (by invitation only)

Event registration is now closed, thank you for your interest!

Please click HERE to download the symposium programme.