Chongqing Party Secretary Yan Jiajun’s visit to iHealthtech: Advancing healthcare through partnership


Chongqing Party Secretary Yan Jiajun’s visit to iHealthtech: Advancing healthcare through partnership

  • July 21, 2023


A delegation led by Yuan Jiajun, a member of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party and Party Secretary of Chongqing, visited NUS iHealthtech on 17 July. Mr Yuan’s visit was accompanied by Ambassador Sun Haiyan from the Chinese Embassy in Singapore and Consul General Joel Chen Zhien from the Singapore Consulate in Chengdu.

During the visit, iHealthtech Director Professor Lim Chwee Teck introduced the institute’s establishment and recent developments to Mr Yuan and the delegation. Additionally, iHealthtech Assistant Professor Wu Changsheng showcased the latest innovative flexible electronics technology for health applications to our guests. Representatives from startup companies QuantumTX Pte Ltd and Microtube Technologies Pte Ltd were also invited to present their cutting-edge products, the BIXEPS Magnetic Mitohormesis Device and HaptGlove, respectively. Mr Yuan was impressed with the demonstrations and engaged in in-depth discussions with the scientists and engineers regarding health technology innovation and future research development directions.

At the CCI – New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor (ILSTC) Regional Cooperation Forum on 18 July, Mr Yuan expressed how deeply inspired he was by visiting the National University of Singapore and experiencing first-hand the vitality of innovation.

iHealthtech sincerely looks forward to establishing even closer and broader cooperative relations with Chongqing in the areas of technological innovation and talent development.


访问中,院长林水德教授向书记和来宾介绍了研究院的设立和发展近况,并邀请研究院首席研究员吴昌盛助理教授展示了柔性电子技术在健康科技领域的研发近况。初创公司QuantumTX Pte Ltd 和 Microtube Technologies Pte Ltd 代表也受邀分别向袁书记及代表团一行展示了他们的创新产品肌肉健康磁力治疗仪和虚拟实境手套。期间,研究院的科研人员与袁书记还就健康科技创新及未来的研究发展方向进行了深入的交流。

