iHealthtech’s Director and Principal Investigators listed among the best scientists in Materials Science and Psychology by Research.com


iHealthtech’s Director and Principal Investigators listed among the best scientists in Materials Science and Psychology by Research.com

  • May 08, 2023


According to Research.com, iHealthtech Director Professor Lim Chwee Teck, and Principal Investigators Professor Subbu Venkatraman and Professor Roger Ho have been recognized as some of the best scientists in their respective fields of Materials Science and Psychology. The website uses the d-index, which considers the entire citation distribution of a researcher’s publications and the number of publications and citations received. Professor Lim and Professor Roger Ho have also been named Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Analytics and have been included in The World’s Top 2% Scientists ranking published by Stanford University, which use different metrics and methodologies. These recognitions demonstrate the significant contributions that Professor Lim, Professor Subbu Venkatraman and Professor Roger Ho have made to their fields and highlight their impact and influence in the scientific community.


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