The James Dyson Award International Winner 2021


The James Dyson Award International Winner 2021

  • November 17, 2021

Photo credit: James Dyson Award Foundation

iHealthtech PhD student Yu Kelu’s father was diagnosed with glaucoma in 2019. He suffered stresses from both the eye condition and treatments that included monitoring the eye pressure. The distress of Ms Yu’s father has prompted Ms Yu and her teammates, Mr Li Si, a doctoral student at iHealthtech, and Mr David Lee, a Research Engineer at the National University of Singapore Department of Material Science and Engineering, to design a wearable device called Home Eye Pressure E-skin Sensor, or HOPES. The device can provide safe, accurate, pain-free and low-cost intraocular pressure (IOP) monitoring at home. The project, mentored by Asst Prof Benjamin C.K. Tee, has won the James Dyson Award 2021 in Singapore and the James Dyson Award International 2021. Kudos to the team for the excellent achievement!


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