Equipping robots with a sense of touch


Equipping robots with a sense of touch

  • January 17, 2019

BIGHEART faculty Asst Prof Benjamin Tee was interviewed by Money FM 89.3 radio station about his research on electronic skin that can provide robots with a sense of touch, which can make robots more dexterous and working with them more intuitive. His work can also be applied to developing prosthetic limbs with touch sensitivity for patients who lost their limbs due to accidents or diabetes. 

Asst Prof Tee will be giving a talk at the upcoming EmTech Asia (22 – 23 January 2019) and gave a preview of what to expect at the conference, which will include cutting edge advancements in robotic and space technology. 

Please click the link below to listen to the full podcast (13 min 10 sec): 

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