UK Members of Parliament explore innovative cancer diagnostic and treatment solutions at iHealthtech


UK Members of Parliament explore innovative cancer diagnostic and treatment solutions at iHealthtech

  • October 25, 2023


The UK Department of Health and Social Care Committee (UK House of Commons), consisting of Members of Parliament, visited iHealthtech on October 24, 2023. Associate Professor Ali Asgar Bhagat, Deputy Director (Translation) of iHealthtech, along with the iHealthtech team, which included Associate Professor Alfredo Franco-Obregón, Dr Alex Tai Yee Kit, Dr Auginia Natalia, and Dr Sri Ram Krishna Vedula, warmly welcomed the delegation. The UK delegates expressed a keen interest in exploring our innovative cancer diagnostic and treatment solutions.

We sincerely thank Members of Parliament Steve Brine, Paul Bristow, Chris Green, Paulette Hamilton, Dr Caroline Johnson MP, Rachael Maskell, and James Morris, and the accompanying delegates Emma Stevenson, Joanna Dodd and Maggie Cai for visiting our institute. We look forward to the potential partnership in healthcare between Singapore and the UK.


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