Tsinghua University president and vice president visited iHealthtech


Tsinghua University president and vice president visited iHealthtech

  • January 12, 2023


iHealthtech was honoured to receive a delegation led by Tsinghua University President Professor Wang Xiqin and Vice President Professor Hongwei Wang yesterday. iHealthtech Director Professor Lim Chwee Teck, Deputy Director (Translation) Associate Professor Ali Asgar Bhagat, Principal Investigators (PIs) Associate Professor Huilin Shao and Associate Professor Alfredo Franco-Obregón, research staff David Lee and PhD student Qi Jiaming presented some of our latest innovations to our honourable guests during their short visit to the institute.

Tsinghua President and Vice President pleasantly interacted with our research teams by asking questions and giving comments to have a deeper understanding of how clinicians and engineers work hand in hand in iHealthtech to advance health technology that will benefit patients.

We thank NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine for arranging this visit!

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