Strengthening collaborations in health science: OsloMet delegation’s visit to iHealthtech


Strengthening collaborations in health science: OsloMet delegation’s visit to iHealthtech

  • September 27, 2023


We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to a delegation of scientists from OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University who are visiting iHealthtech. This visit follows the previous visit of our NUS delegation to OsloMet, where we explored the Norwegian welfare and healthcare system, thanks to the organisation by Innovation Norway. We see this second meeting as an exciting opportunity to exchange ideas and explore potential collaborations in the field of health science.

During their visit, we engaged in lively discussions on ways to facilitate cross-disciplinary research collaborations and create an environment that fosters innovation and startup initiatives. We look forward to the fruitful partnerships and innovations that may come up from this interaction.

Thank you, Professor Gro Jamtvedt, Dr Carl Christian Thodesen, Professor Kaare Magne Nielsen, Associate Professor Astrid Oust Janbu, Linda T. Helgesen, Professor Anne Catrine Martinsen, Professor Marit Kirkevold, Professor Pikkarainen Minna, Professor Peyman Mirtaheri, Associate Professor Ali Muhtaroglu and Associate Professor Vibeke Telle-Hansen for visiting iHealthtech.

Special thanks to our iHealthtech Principal Investigators (PIs) and researchers, Associate Professor Ali Asgar Bhagat, Associate Professor Alfredo Franco-Obregón, Assistant Professor Prof Liu Yuxin, Assistant Professor Wu Changsheng, Chiang Soon Kiat and Dr Sri Ram Krishna Vedula, for introducing our innovative work to our guests from Norway.

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