Funding Opportunities


Funding Opportunities

Precision Medicine and Personalised Therapeutics

Joint Research Grant Call

– Application is now closed, thank you for your interest. –

BIGHEART recently organised a joint workshop on Personalised Medicine with participation from the National University Health System (NUHS), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, Centre for Personalised and Precision Health (CPPH) and Medical Science Cluster (MSC).

Arising from the success of this workshop, BIGHEART in conjunction with the Office of the Deputy President (Research and Technology), MSC, and CPPH from NUHS, are jointly launching a seed grant call on 1st Feb 2019 to support projects in the area of Precision Medicine and Personalised Therapeutics. We are seeking original and innovative ideas in both basic and translational research for precision diagnostics, monitoring or personalised treatment for individuals or subpopulations of patients. These include novel solutions to existing sub-optimal diagnostics or treatment of specific diseases, or the development of high performance platforms with broad applications across multiple diseases.

General Information

  1. Each proposal will be capped at S$100K for a period of 2 years.
  2. This funding serves as a seed grant to enable interdisciplinary research collaboration among researchers so as to generate preliminary data for future grant application.
  3. This funding can be used to support manpower, small equipment, consumables and travel.
  4. Principal Investigator (PI) will be required to submit a 1-page annual progress report and a 2-page final report on the achievement of the project no later than 3 months after the end of the grant.

Funding Criteria

  1. Innovativeness (Is the idea novel and useful?)
  2. Translational Value (Does it address an unmet need?)
  3. Collaborative spirit (Is the research interdisciplinary?)
  4. PI and team member’s track record (Is the team capable?)
  5. Potential for further industry or academic funding (What is the plan beyond this seed grant?)

Eligibility Information

  1. Lead PI at the point of application must hold a primary academic or clinical appointment in NUS or NUHS (minimum time commitment of 9 months per year) and demonstrate track record in running an independent and active research team.
  2. PI with multiple appointments at different institutions is to select one Host Department for matters related to grant administration and finance.
  3. Project must be supported by respective Heads of Departments (or nominee) and/or Deans (or nominee) of each Faculty/School.
  4. Each PI is allowed to lead one proposal only.
  5. Project should be interdisciplinary in scope and team composition.
  6. Funding is for new research ideas, not for supplementing existing projects or collaborations, and not for research conducted primarily outside NUS or NUHS.
  7. Proposal should articulate plans to apply for future competitive external funding.
  8. Research projects must obtain full ethics approval (applicable for projects involving cells, humans or animals etc) and other research-related approvals from relevant authorities prior to award of funding.
  9. There is no limit to the number of co-investigators or collaborators as long as their roles and contributions are well defined.

Application Details

Please click the links below for application documents and links:

Application Form

Budget Phasing

Grant Endorsement Form
Please use the Grant Endorsement Form specific to your department if available.

Research Compliance

Softcopy of submission should be emailed to

Hardcopy to be mailed or hand delivered to BIGHEART, MD6, 14 Medical Drive, #14-01, Singapore 117599 (Attention: Dr Donny Liang)

All proposals should be submitted to BIGHEART Office by 15 Mar 2019

– Application is now closed, thank you for your interest. –

Enquiries should be addressed to Dr. Donny Liang at

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