New professorship scheme to attract top talent to NUS


New professorship scheme to attract top talent to NUS

  • December 11, 2018

BIGHEART faculty Asst Prof. Benjamin Tee was featured in a Straits Times article about a new Presidential Young Professorship (PYP) scheme offered by NUS to enable the university to compete for good academic talent worldwide. 

NUS Senior Deputy President and Provost Prof. Ho Teck Hua said that the new scheme helps to ensure that NUS remains competitive in global talent recruitment. Asst Prof. Tee – renowned for his work on electronic skin for use in robotics and prosthetics – was highlighted in the article as an example of an accomplished Singaporean academic working in the USA who was recruited back to Singapore under the previous President’s Assistant Professor scheme. Prof. Ho said that NUS is committed to nurturing a strong Singaporean core while continuing to attract top global talents who can create great value and impact for Singapore. 

Please click the link below for the news article: 

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