Microfluidics for Biological and Biomedical Research and Application


Microfluidics for Biological and Biomedical Research and Application

  • January 29, 2018

Biomedical Institute for Global Health Research and Technology (BIGHEART) and Department of Biomedical Engineering at NUS collaborated with the Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (IPGG) and Université PSL, to conduct a workshop on microfluidics on the 25 and 26 January 2018. 

Specialists from France and Singapore reported on the latest trends in microfluidics and met together to explore opportunities for collaboration. 

The stimulating two-day programme discussed a range of microfluidic research areas from circulating biomarkers and single cell analysis to clinical applications, commercialization and manufacturing. This included talks on single cell multi-omics analysis by Assistant Professor Lih Feng Cheow from BIGHEART as well as microfluidics in cancer by Dr. Darren Lim from the National Cancer Centre. Speakers from France included IPGG Director Professor Patrick Tabeling who touched on particle deposition in microchannels and Associate Professor Jacques Fattaccioli who explored functionalised emulsion droplets in the immune context. 

BIGHEART Acting Director, Professor Lim Chwee Teck, commended the shared interest among participants and potential for a collaborative microfluidics research programme. 

Professor Tabeling added that the French team found it enriching to learn about the facilities at BIGHEART and hoped that the workshop would be a stepping stone to a stronger partnership between the institutions going forward. 

The MERLION workshop was generously supported by the Institut Français de Singapour (IFS), French Embassy and NUS. 

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