Institut Mérieux – Society of Infectious Disease (Singapore) Award 2018


Institut Mérieux – Society of Infectious Disease (Singapore) Award 2018

  • December 07, 2018

BIGHEART principal investigator Asst Prof. Catherine Ong has been awarded the Institut Mérieux – Society of Infectious Disease (Singapore) Young Investigator Award 2018 to further advance her group’s project in developing a point-of-care test for rapid pathogen and antimicrobial resistance detection. 

Institut Mérieux is headquartered in Lyon, France and contributes its experience in biology to improve medicine and public health across the globe. The Society of Infectious Diseases (Singapore) was founded in 1990 to promote the practice, education, training and prevention of infectious diseases. 

Congratulations to Asst Prof. Ong and her group for their outstanding achievement! 

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