iHealthtech Students win OUR prize for innovative research in chronic kidney disease detection


iHealthtech Students win OUR prize for innovative research in chronic kidney disease detection

  • August 29, 2023


Congratulations to seven iHealthtech attachment students from the NUS Department of Biomedical Engineering and School of Computing: Aakansha Narain, Shashaank Abhinav Venkatesh, Ang Kah Meng, Rachel Reno Lim, Victoria Tse, Jerome Tan Jin Hong, and Wang Chenhui for their outstanding achievement in winning the Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher (OUR) Prize! This award is the result of their exceptional work in a health tech project aimed at developing a novel and cost-effective multi-factor chemical-based lateral flow assay for Early Detection and Outcome Prediction in Chronic Kidney Disease under the supervision of Associate Professor Ali Asgar Bhagat.

The OUR Prize is an annual university-wide competition to foster and prepare NUS undergraduates for research experiences. We want to thank our Healthtech Translation Team’s research engineer, Noel Sng, for providing invaluable support to the students throughout their project. Well done to all!

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