How Magnetic Mitohormesis Works


How Magnetic Mitohormesis Works

  • October 28, 2020

Exercise improves our health. Nothing surprising here. But, few understand that exercise causes our muscles to behave like a gland, secreting factors, known as myokines, into the bloodstream that benefit the other important tissues and organ systems of the body such as the brain, fat and joints. Myokine secretion is linked to muscle energy expenditure via an adaptive process known as mitohormesis. In the article ‘Magnetism as Medicine: Magnetic Mitohormesis Boosting Prehabilitation Outcome’, Assoc Prof Alfredo Franco-Obregón explains to us how he uses magnetism to activate the mitohormesis process in our muscle cells for health and rehabilitation. Read the article to find out more! Médico October – December 2020


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