“Innovating Health” Outstanding Young Speaker Webinar – Dr Shrike Zhang


“Innovating Health” Outstanding Young Speaker Webinar – Dr Shrike Zhang

Biofabrication Strategies for Tissue and Tissue Model Engineering
10 – 11 pm, Monday, 24 May 2021 (Boston)
10 – 11 am, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 (Singapore)

Dr Shrike Zhang
Assistant Professor of Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA.

Over the last decade, three-dimensional (3D) tissue fabrication technologies have progressed rapidly. However, such techniques are often limited by their precision and controllability to replicate complex tissues. The development of 3D bioprinting offers excellent versatility in fabricating biomimetic volumetric tissues structurally and functionally relevant to their in vivo counterparts. Such technology allows precise control of the composition, spatial distribution and architecture of bio-printed constructs that can recapitulate the target organs’ and tissues’ delicate shapes and structures. Here, we will discuss recent efforts in advanced 3D bioprinting strategies combined with microfluidic chip-based systems to construct functional tissues that can facilitate tissue regeneration and micro-tissue models for personalized medicine applications.

Dr Zhang’s research interests include 3D bioprinting, organ-on-a-chip, biomaterials, regenerative engineering, bioanalysis, and biology. His scientific contributions have been recognized by over 40 regional, national and international awards. He has been invited to deliver more than 120 lectures worldwide and has served as a reviewer for more than 600 manuscripts for as many as 50 journals. He is serving as Editor-in-Chief for Microphysiological Systems and is Associate Editor for Bio-Design and Manufacturing, Nano Select, Aggregate, and Essays in Biochemistry. He is also on the Editorial Board of Biofabrication, Bioprinting, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Regenerative Biomaterials, Discover Materials, BMC Biomedical Engineering, Materials Today Bio, Bioengineering, Pharmaceutics, Materials Futures, and Chinese Chemical Letters, Editorial Advisory Board of Heliyon and Biomicrofluidics, International Advisory Board of Advanced NanoBiomed Research and Advanced Materials Technologies, and Advisory Panel of Nanotechnology.

Register the webinar here: hhttps://nus-sg.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__ilqVnhER6am976t8ENj7w

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