Health Innovation Donation Drive

Health Innovation Donation Drive

Health Innovation Donation Drive

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As we face a world grappling with post-COVID-19 challenges and an increasingly ageing society, the need to advance healthcare, making it more accessible and cost-effective, has become critical. At the Institute for Health Innovation and Technology (iHealthtech) at the National University of Singapore (NUS), we are committed to addressing these challenges by developing cutting-edge health technologies in personalised therapy, disease prevention and early detection to improve and save lives.
iHealthtech is a leading research institute with an ardent vision to advance health through technological innovation. Since its establishment in 2017, iHealthtech has consistently been ranked among the best healthtech-related research institutes globally. Our excellent track record in high-impact research and technology translation is a testament to our success.

O U R    S T O R I E S

Associate Professor Shao Huilin’s grandma had dementia and passed away when she was young. The memory of her grandma’s suffering has imprinted on her young mind how diseases like dementia could affect a patient and their family. Fast forward three decades later, Associate Professor Shao has developed her career as a biomedical engineer, and she has invented an innovative diagnostic technology to detect diseases at early stages that could help millions of cancer and mental health patients. 

“I want to create technologies that can impact the clinical community and benefit patients. I envision my research will encourage students to take challenges in developing innovative diagnostics and therapeutics solutions that will contribute to advancing healthcare.”

– Associate Professor
Shao Huilin

Associate Professor Alfredo Franco-Obregón has invented a new health technology that employs magnetic field therapy for muscle regeneration, enhancement and recovery. In 2022, he extended the technology application to help treat patients with breast cancer and possibly reduce the carbon footprint and production cost of cell-based meat and provide us with healthy and greener substituted meat. His inventions have tremendously impacted future healthy longevity, healthcare, food sustainability and the environment.

“My scientific career has been driven by pursuing non-pharmacological approaches to combat human diseases and frailty using biophysical stimuli. At iHealthtech, I am realising this vision and continuing to make significant strides towards improving human health and well-being through innovative research.”

– Associate Professor
Alfredo Franco-Obregón

Yu Kelu’s father was diagnosed with glaucoma in 2019. He was stressed out from the eye condition as well as the treatments that included eye pressure monitoring. The distress experience of her father has prompted Kelu, her peer and PhD student Li Si, and Research Engineer David Lee to design a wearable device named Home Eye Pressure E-skin Sensor, or HOPES. The device can provide safe, accurate, pain-free, low-cost intraocular pressure (IOP) monitoring at home. The project, mentored by Associate Professor Benjamin Tee, has won the James Dyson Award 2021 in Singapore and the James Dyson Award International 2021.

“When I joined Associate Professor Benjamin Tee’s research group, I was inspired by the potential applications of tactile sensor technology. I hope to use the technology for my father’s and other glaucoma patients’ treatments.”

– Yu Kelu, PhD student
(Associate Professor
Benjamin Tee’s group)



Your generous donation will allow us to take bold steps forward by exploring and investing in radically new ideas and concepts that have the potential to revolutionise health and medical practices and push the boundaries of scientific discovery. These high-risk but world changing technologies may not be supportable by government grant agencies initially. With your donation, we can de-risk and conduct proof of concept translational research before seeking public funding. Your generous support will also enable us to attract and retain the best minds, providing them with state-of-the-art translation facilities and a collaborative and conducive working environment.

We envision iHealthtech to be the world’s most influential health innovation institute centered in Asia. Your support is critical in helping us make a meaningful impact by saving lives of millions. Please join us in this noble cause of advancing healthcare technology to make the world a better place.

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